Tag Archives: work

It’s NEVER too late!

Ever wish you had started something earlier? (I’m not talking about the laundry! We ALL do that when we’re lugging a heavy basket back to the bedroom after midnight…) I mean earlier in life?  Maybe a college education, your family, a new career, collecting something of value, joining a church or civic group?

I think at one time or another we all wish we had started something earlier. But I’ve learned (the hard way) there’s a reason we didn’t. It wasn’t our time. At that time. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t your time NOW. Today. Or perhaps even tomorrow.

You see friends, it’s never too late. It’s never too late to finish what you shappily-ever-after_25407172270_otarted, to start something new, or even to start over. You just have to make the decision to do it. That’s where I am right now. If only I’d started (or actually finished) my book sooner..if I had left the corporate world sooner…if I had joined Rotary sooner…you never know. And you weren’t meant to. Everything happens for a reason. Listen to me…EVERYTHING happens for a reason.

I’ve been tested with that statement more times than you can even imagine, but I hold it as one of my truths in life. Don’t fail this test my friends…remember it’s never too late.

Whether it’s something small and simple or huge and bodacious, start now. Want some help? Share it with me and I will be your cheerleader, accountability partner and honest friend. (I’ll even let you ask me if I’ve finished my book yet……sigh……)

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Filed under Professional Development

You Can’t Whistle A Symphony…

If you’re like me, you probably believe it’s easier to do a task yourself than to “train” someone else to do it your way. Or maybe you’ve just been disappointed by others so many times that you’d just rather do it yourself than take the risk of the task not being done at all.

“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an orchestrasymphony to play it.” I was reminded of this quote recently (attributed to Halford E. Luccock) when someone asked me “Who’s on your committee to help you?”

Wait….my what?

Sure, I asked a few people to help on this volunteer committee, but that hadn’t gone anywhere so I decided I’d just handle the task alone. But then I remembered something I learned back when I still worked in corporate America – one of the best signs of being a great manager is hiring great employees. The same is true with volunteers. If you want them to accomplish a task, you must explain the task in detail, train them appropriately, then let them take responsibility for the project.

But it’s not as easy as it sounds.

So I’m making this my “New Month Resolution” for August – to concentrate on team-building with my fellow volunteers (and employees). Letting others be accountable for a project not only generates enthusiasm and dedication to the project, but it also increases the probability of success.

I know what will be required to accomplish this goal – I must commit to being a good “manager” and provide all the tools necessary for those around me to be successful. And I have to choose the best people for the “jobs.”

In the next few months, I look forward to my projects flourishing – not because of the work I am doing, but because I’ve allowed others to be an integral part of the process!

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Filed under Professional Development