Tag Archives: timeoutwithtiffany

Forward Progress

Last week I had a great meeting (ok, actually it was breakfast…because I try to always organize my meetings around meals!) with someone I greatly respect and admire. Plus I told her I want to be like her when I grow up. Meridith Elliott Powell is well-respected as an author, speaker and strategic planner, and helps businesses improve their bottom lines. And she had some great advice for me in my quest to grow my business as a speaker and eventually become a published author.

We all need mentors like Meridith in our lives. I’ve been fortunate to have several in my lifetime, and hopefully there will be many more. And I certainly hope I will be able to do the same for someone sometime.

But of all the things Meridith & I talked about over breakfast, the biggest takeaway for me was “forward progress.”  She explained that even though I was having lots of fun doing lots of different things career-wise, were these things really making “forward progress” in my career? Or were they just fun?

Sometimes it’s ok to just have fun, but too often we only see the big picture and miss the important details. Most of you have heard me say (on more than one occasion), “gotta pay the mortgage…” So when I decided to re-evaluate the many (many) things on my calendar, I had to be honest and remove some of the things that just don’t help me “pay the mortgage.”

Forward progress is what Meridith called it…if something on your schedule isn’t making forward progress, stop doing it, she advised. Very good advice, I realized,
not just for business but in my personal life too. I’ve heard the phrase many times (even used it) in sports, but hadn’t really applied it to my life.

So this past week I resigned my part-time on-air position with Magic 98.9 and gave up my Sunday afternoon radio gig. I had alot of fun playing tunes every weekend, but since my ultimate goal isn’t to be a full-time disc jockey, it was time to move on. Time to concentrate on the things which give me “forward progress.”

So what does this mean for my schedule? Yes, a day off here and there (yay!!) but more importantly, some quality time to do the things I need to do, even if it’s catch up on emails, return phone calls, empty the dishwasher or do the laundry. Hey, that stuff has gotta be done, too, right? So sometimes you just gotta admit it’s time to move on so you can move forward. I’m ready…are you?

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Filed under Professional Development

Attitude of Gratitude

With the month of November, we all become a little more sentimental. Maybe it’s the darkness and cold air that bring us inside earlier each night. Maybe it’s missing loved ones who are no longer with us during the holidays. Maybe it’s a certain song on the radio or that special ornament on the tree. Whatever it is, it’s okay to be sentimental.  Just don’t forget to also be THANKFUL!

During this time of year, we all get busy running errands, baking, shopping, decorating, socializing and just “being busy.”  But it is critical that we take a moment to enjoy the “reason for the season” – & this week that means having an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE.

I’ve seen lots of friends posting on Facebook recently all the things they are grateful for this Thanksgiving season. Have you made your list? I’m ashamed to admit I haven’t (until now). Maybe you’re like me, and you just assume your family knows how grateful you are to have them in your life. And what about your customers? They know, right? I mean, they keep you in business, so surely they know you appreciate them…. and your friends….well they know you couldn’t make it without them. But have you TOLD them?

So today I begin by saying THANK YOU to YOU for being a loyal friend, business associate, customer or maybe even a social media acquaintance! Thank you for being a part of Time Out With Tiffany and helping me make my goals and dreams a reality in the coming year.

I am grateful for a God who loves me (in spite of me), for friends who will drive me to the doctor, a warm house to sleep in each night, clean water, pets who are always really happy to see me, sports, social media, fashion, Rotary, those who give back to others, and so many other things.

 Feel free to share what YOU are thankful for – post your comments here or on my Facebook page (www.facebook.com/tiffanyervinofficial) or tweet your comments using #timeoutwithtiffany so I can “retweet” you, & let’s share an Attitude of GRATITUDE this holiday season!

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