Monthly Archives: March 2021

Our Sweet #AbbyGirl

I’ve struggled to find the words… She loved to sleep under my feet while I worked. She loved to “go for a ride” & “check the mail.” She loved to play with her friends Hokie, Cocoa, Bo & Kahlua, & all her two-legged friends & family too. She loved to “shake” & “high five.”

She was never simply a “d-o-g” in this house & she knew it. She was more popular on social media than me. She loved to sit at the front door & watch the traffic go by. She even became quite popular in Rotary meetings since I’ve attended so many online this last year. And let’s be honest….wasn’t she just the most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen in your entire life??

She was more than just #AbbyGirl – she was my faithful companion & she was loved so very much. My heart is broken tonight as I returned home to a quiet house and no one to greet me at the door. That will take some getting used to..

In the end, her age & her deteriorating health were just more than she could withstand. I am grateful for the many years I got to be her “mommy” & I hope she knows that in reality, SHE saved ME…

She was almost 13 years old (you can do the math in “doggy years” to figure out she was a “senior citizen”) but had so many wonderful adventures, several of which were part of my #50for50 this past year. I’ll share more about those soon, but here’s just one that you can watch for yourself!

I love you #AbbyGirl & we will never forget the happiness you brought into so many lives…

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