#50For50 in 2020

2020. Some folks are calling this new year “visionary” – they want to “see things more clearly,” or “look at things differently.” All that’s true for me too, but I’m taking it one step further. This year, 2020 will be transformational for me.

By very definition, it means a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance. And since this year happens to be a “big one” for me age-wise, there’s no better time than now to make some important, and dramatic, changes.

That’s right…2020 is the year I will turn 50 years old. How did this happen? Just yesterday, I was in my early 30s moving to NC to start a new life. And I did. And I have no regrets. (Ok, maybe a few, but I learned from them all and I’ve moved on, so we’ll skip right over those.) But seriously, how am I about to become 50 years old??

It just so happens, this is also when I will complete my “year of service” as District Governor for Rotary International District 7670. The first 6 months have flown by – how can this year be half over? So by the time my birthday rolls around in September, I’ll be known in Rotary as a “Past District Governor” (aka a “has-been”) and I will look back proudly on the things we accomplished, as well as those things we tried.

With my fellow #RotaryGeek friends, we’ll remember the laughs, the tears, the trials, the victories and even the disappointments.

So how do I top 2019? It was a remarkable year – I was installed as district governor, completed a 1- mile “Mud Run” obstacle course, interviewed the Governor of South Carolina, dressed up like a pirate, a Southern Belle and Cinderella, and flew across the country to share my passion for The CART Fund. I celebrated special occasions with friends and shared their heartaches. I loved deeply and laughed often. So how do you top that?

2019-12-31 20.23.04You just have to try. So that’s what I’ll do in 2020 by trying 50 new things before the year is out, and documenting them here and on social media with #50for50.  I have a few ideas to start, but the list isn’t completed yet. Hopefully you’ll share your ideas with me too – no promises though! I have a few goals of things to do – a yoga class (hopefully more than one!), a 5K (probably only one!) and skeet shooting, as well as places to go and people to meet.

I hope you’ll join me on this journey this year. My intent isn’t to brag about what I get done (there’s always the possibility I don’t finish it), instead it’s to remind us that we can all do whatever we want, if we just try.  In 2020, I will focus on growing my business, improving my health, visiting new places, meeting new people and trying some new things! Doesn’t a half-century of life deserve that?


Filed under #50For50, Professional Development

4 responses to “#50For50 in 2020

  1. With your energy, 50 will be an easy number if things to do. Age is just a number….I can’t believe I have a 45 year old daughter. My oh my!!


  2. Shari

    I look forward to hearing about all of your accomplishments 50for50. I was excited to turn 50 and I think you might be too. As someone already sad it is just a number. I’m not sure what age means but I know I am young at heart and you were young at heart. You love helping people and caring for people and watching people make a difference where ever you go and when ever you can help them do. Enjoy with all your heart. I’ll enjoy watching!


  3. Sue Haviland

    Tiffany, I know 2020 holds great things in store for you- looking forward to hearing about your adventures and accomplishments!


  4. Mark

    Hi Tiffany. Fun post. I just finished reading Peggy Noonan’s column in the WSJ. This resonated with me:

    “So live life, enjoy it, roll with what comes. Make things better within your ken, however large or small that ken is. Do your best, not your lazy rote “I did my best” but your actual honest best. Keep your spirits up, don’t get down, it’s not all on you. God is in charge of history.”

    My own by-line and approach for 2020 is “PROCEED WITH COURAGE.” As a Boomer, I hit my retirement age this year, but I still have gas in my tank. You’re seemingly on your way to a terrific new decade!


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